Post by b***@hotmail.comDo you have any documenting evidence of this assertation?
What is an "assertation"? I suppose you mean "assertion"? Also, I am
not sure which "assertion" you were asking about. The existence of
Mac2Win itself is of course "documented" at their web site: . Metrowerks' use of it
wasn't really a secret, as they have openly said so themselves in many
places, including this newsgroup, as well as a MacTech article
. If it's my "assertion" that Metrowerks was one of Altura largest
customers, I admit that was pure speculation, as most cross-platform
apps have since moved away from Altura. (I am told that Photoshop once
used this technology, but don't quote me on that.)
Mac2Win is also the reason that Metrowerks placed such an expensive
price tag on PowerPlant for Windows. Because Altura charges royalties
on sales of Mac2Win ported apps, that had to be passed on to the
PowerPlant/Win customer, which of course was extremely unpopular.
(Besides being obscenely expensive, there are already many inexpensive
alternatives for cross-platform frameworks.)
A really cool test to tell if a Windows app was ported via Mac2Win is
the Secret About Box found in most ported applications: hit ALT-U-R-A
(spells "Altura") and you get the hidden Mac2Win About Box. That
worked with CodeWarrior for Windows for versions 5 & 6, but stopped I
think sometime around CodeWarrior 8, probably due to ALT-U, ALT-R or
ALT-A being co-opted for some other feature.
Hope that helps. Please let me know if you need further "documenting
evidence" of other "assertations".
Jonathan Hoyle